What is LASIK?
LASIK is a two-step process. First, your eye surgeon uses a femtosecond laser called Intralase to create a thin, circular “flap” in the cornea. The surgeon then folds back the hinged flap to access the underlying cornea. Second, corneal tissue is reshaped using the Allegretto excimer laser. This laser uses a cool ultraviolet light beam to remove microscopic amounts of tissue from the cornea. After the laser reshapes the cornea, the flap is then laid back in place, covering the area where the corneal tissue was removed. This cornea is allowed to heal naturally. Laser eye surgery requires only topical anesthetic drops and no bandages or stitches are required.
What is IntraLase?
IntraLase is the latest, safest and most precise computer guided all-laser approach used when creating a perfect corneal flap. The advantages of IntraLase are improved safety and precision, fewer re-treatments (enhancements), reduced dry eye symptoms and an opportunity for the patient to experience an all-laser LASIK procedure.
What is the most advanced technology currently available?
Currently, the most sophisticated technology available to LASIK patients is the use of the Allegretto WaveLight excimer laser system. The combination of Allegretto WaveLight enhanced with IntraLase technology provides a new level of safety and precision to personalize your laser vision correction.
Will laser vision correction prohibit me from having future eye surgery?
Refractive surgery will not interfere with any future eye surgery you may need, such as cataract or glaucoma surgery.
What is an enhancement?
An enhancement is a repeat of a portion of the surgical procedure, which is occasionally done when the eye has under-responded. The necessity for an enhancement procedure is determined when the patient’s post-operative vision has stabilized. The length of time necessary for vision to stabilize depends upon the procedure and the patient’s individual healing time.
How do I make my decision about LASIK?
Your decision on a LASIK provider is very important and will affect your vision for the rest of your life. There are a number of critical factors that should be considered so you make the right decision. It is very important to have all of your questions answered to your satisfaction. Start by choosing the right surgeon. A qualified surgeon should have a great deal of experience performing LASIK procedures. Trust should be a key factor in deciding who your surgeon will be. Our surgeons have performed over 13,000 successful LASIK procedures with the trust and confidence of our patients. The doctors at Sutton, Linder & Sutton are all board certified ophthalmologists who represent more than 60 years of surgical experience. This gives you the confidence that they will take good care of you and your eyes for years to come.

Choose the right clinic. We have a professional team of Laser Vision Specialists who are dedicated solely to helping you see your very best. Collectively, our team has over 120 years of ocular clinical experience meeting your individual visual needs.

Choose the right technology. Drs. Sutton Linder and Sutton use the Allegretto WaveLight excimer laser system. Using the WaveLight system to perform LASIK with IntraLase is the best combination of technology available to LASIK patients.

Know what you are getting for your money. LASIK is an investment in your eyes, so know what you are paying for. All Sutton Linder & Sutton patients get one price that is a global fee. It includes our own evaluation here at the clinic, consultation with your surgeon, the treatment, medications, a complete year of follow-up care with your eye doctor and enhancements utilizing the same treatment technology within the first year, should they be necessary. There are no hidden costs.

Talk to your optometrist. Sutton Linder & Sutton has a large network of optometrists that refer patients to us for LASIK care. You will be able to continue your post-operative care with your optometrist as needed. This co-management arrangement is included in our LASIK fee. We will continue to follow your progress while you are having your post-operative care with your optometrist.

Talk to family, friends and patients who have already had LASIK. There are many people who have already experienced the benefits of LASIK. Visit with them about their experiences, as they are a great source of information.

What is the main difference between LASIK and Advanced Surface Ablation?
During LASIK surgery, a flap is created and lifted prior to laser treatment. Advanced Surface Ablation uses laser treatment on the surface of the cornea, but no flap is created.
Why would my doctor recommend Advanced Surface Ablation instead of LASIK?
Surface ablation is often recommended for patients with high degrees of near sightedness requiring more tissue removal for vision correction.
Is laser vision correction covered by insurance?
Most insurance companies consider laser vision correction elective in nature and do not cover the procedure, but we recommend you check with your individual insurance company. In comparison, consider the repeated costs of purchasing new eyeglass frames and lenses and disposable contacts year after year! Our practice accepts cash, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa and have attractive financing plans available.
Am I eligible for laser vision correction?
This depends on your age, your prescription and the general health of your eyes. Your prescription must have been stable for the past three years. We suggest you be 21 years of age or older. Although most laser vision correction patients are under 60, even seniors may be eligible.
Do I need an examination first?
Prior to treatment, you will have a laser vision consultation and a thorough eye exam. A detailed computer image is taken of your eye that will detail the curvature, shape, overall smoothness and regularity of the cornea.
Does the surgery hurt?
No, the actual procedure does not hurt. Anesthetic drops are administered before the surgery begins. Some patients may experience discomfort during the first few hours after the procedure. Some patients describe the feeling as a lash in the eye or something under a contact lens. An oral sedative is given 30 minutes prior to the procedure to help you relax.
Are there any restrictions after the procedure?
For the first four hours after surgery we encourage you to keep both eyes closed as much as possible. Swimming or use of a hot tub, sauna or Jacuzzi is prohibited for two weeks. No eye makeup for four days. When your vision clears, you may drive and return to work in one or two days.
What are the side effects?
As with any treatment or surgery there are risks, even though they are rare. Pain is uncommon. You may experience halos, glare, light sensitivity, blurred vision, double vision, difficulty with night vision and/or a foreign body sensation. Other, uncommon risks include infection, over responding, under responding, irregular astigmatism, epithelial ingrowth, corneal abrasion, reduction of best corrected vision, dry eyes or induced astigmatism.
Does laser vision correction really work?
Yes. Laser vision correction is being done all around the world. More than 90 percent of people who have had one of these procedures obtain normal vision, and many others are happy to lessen their dependence on glasses and contact lenses.
What do I do next?
Your next step is to learn about your laser vision correction needs. You can provide us with your prescription (even over the phone) and we can let you know if you are a candidate for one of our refractive surgery procedures. If you are a good candidate then we would be happy to schedule a full evaluation with one of our eye surgeons to better assess your visual needs. We are committed to helping you make an informed decision. Please call us at (402) 484-0900 or click here to request an appointment online.